
Question for 2023

1.       Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces.
Newspaper plays a very (a) — (pre-modify the noun) role in modern civilization. It publishes news and view of home and abroad. Only (b) — (pre-modify the noun) knowledge is not enough in this competitive world. A newspaper helps man (c) — (post-modify the verb with infinitive) his general knowledge. Besides academic books, one should read newspapers (d) — (post-modify the verb). Newspaper helps one (e) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the fact of the world. (f) — (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase) regularly, one can be aware of everything. They are (g) — (pre-modify the noun) kinds of newspapers. One should select the newspaper (h) — (post-modify the verb). One should choose the (i) — (pre-modify the noun) paper because many newspapers present news partially. Whatever the paper is, it (j) — (pre-modify the verb) helps a man.



2.       Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank space of the following passage.
Sports are a popular form of entertainment. (a) — many international sporting events are organized from time to time. (b) — these events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. (c) — they pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products during those events (d) —, the sponsors products receive maximum media coverage thus giving companies international recognition. This is only the commercial aspect of the international sport. (e) — there are other aspects too. (f) — the sports venue becomes a meeting place of the people from different countries, (g) — people of different nation get together on the occasion of an international sporting event, they come closer to each other. (h) — they can share views, opinions and friendship. This opportunity creates a sense of brotherhood. (i) —, getting acquainted with different culture helps to break down prejudice and broaden outlook. (j) — globalization has anything to do with the development of international relationship, sporting events can certainly contribute in a big way.


3.       Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below:
“It will be better than for me to try to send him things. I could so easily duplicate- skates, for instance.” She blinked her” honest spinster’s eyes. “There’s not much use for skates here,” she said. Her stupidity annoyed me. What mean,” I said “Is that I don’t want to duplicate the things his mother sends him. I might have chosen skates if I didn’t know she had already given them to him.” She stared at me. “I don’t understand,” she said. “He has no mother, He has no skates.’”


(a)     try (synonym) (b) duplicate (synonym) (c) instance (synonym) (d) blinked (synonym) (e) stupidity (antonym) (f) annoyed (antonym) (g) mean (synonym) (h) send (synonym) (i) understand (synonym) (j) no (antonym).

4.       There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.

Dhaka the capital of our country has been remarked as a mega city. Side by side it has also been remarked as the most polluted city of the world. The population of Dhaka city is on ever increase no one knows when it will stop. Rather instead of decreasing the population of the city is increasing very rapidly day by day. The question arises who are responsible for this. The answer is not very far to seek but cannot be told because the destroyers should have been the protectors.

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About Sagor Al Helal

Lyricist: Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television